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Genre: War - Comedy and Drama
Jae-Yeong Jeong as Chief Comrade Lee Su-Hwa
Ha-kyun Shin as 2nd Lt. Pyo
Hye-Jeong Kang as Yeo-il
Kwang-Hyun Park
"A well told story about two sides that are fighting and then lately find something more important than their conflict"
"Life is finding something that you are going to live and die for"
The setting of this movie was during Korean war. I don't know much about Korean war, all this Dongmakgol movie showed is that there are two opposing sides that fights for something that they dont even know. In the Character of those two korean soldiers - high comrade and Lt. Pyo, they were both victims of the never ending war on the North and South korea.
Lately this two main characters find their self on the top of the mountains where Dongmakgol is. Dongmakgol is a peaceful and lovely place. A place where war never exists, a place where ignorance is excusable. There's the crazy girl Yeo-il portrayed by Kang Hye Jeong (my beloved Ari of Love Phobia) and there's also a lucky american soldier who happend to crush his plane near Dongmakgol.
This movie is so powerful that it can change the way you see war today. Fucking Americans should see this before going to war. This is a great movie experience, "greater than pearl harbor of US Holywood" It's not about North VS. South, its actually about two opposing side finding something more important than their conflict. Which is Dongmakgol and it's people.
This movie is not about looking back at the books of history. It's not more of a politics or a nuclear test. Dongmakgol is about human lessons - life lessons!
Favorite Scene: Oh how could i not love the scences wherein they were chased by a wild boar, you'll laugh so much on this scene. See it and you'll know why!lol
See the movie on : Welcome to Dongmakgol
Kang Hye-Jeong won Best Supporting Actress 3 times for this movie! You got to love her!lol
Movie Rating: 9 of 10
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