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I am issuing this statement to clear my name in the current controversy in which I allegedly posted a highly insensitive and offensive message on the social networking website, Facebook, in relation to the victims of typhoon Ondoy that recently struck parts of the Philippines.
About two years ago, an anonymous source created these accounts using my identity, posting my personal details, my real pictures captioned roughly and attacking other people. Because of these incidents, I reported such abuses and sent my credentials to the administrators of such sites, particularly Facebook. I have been abused and am still being abused online in social networking websites such as Facebook, Friendster, Multiply etc.
In the early stages, I was advised by close friends to ignore the situation, saying this would simply go away. Unfortunately, it has not stopped. Hence, I filed a complaint with the Dubai Police about eight months ago hoping they could help me with my problem. Should anyone wish to check my statement, my case is still under investigation with said authorities.
Time passed and these sites continued to generate malicious, obscene and cruel messages that are widely exposed and relayed to the public under my name.
Yesterday, September 27th 2009, I received phone calls from my close friends regarding very alarming posts in the above mentioned websites that directly offended flood victims as a result of typhoon Ondoy..
These malicious statement(s) which are posted under account names Jacque or Jackie are not of my doing. It is unfortunate that such statements were maliciously attributed to me and I do sympathize and understand the adverse and somehow verbally violent reaction that has been elicited by such insensitive statements or posts. Rest assured, I have taken every legal step that can be done in this regard.
I too, have become a victim as much as those who may have lost their lives and properties to such a devastating natural calamity. This recent controversy has greatly affected my reputation, my family, and my friends. I am devastated and shocked at the extent my character, my personal information and private space have been violated.
I have a deep respect and regard for my country. I am proud to be a Filipino and would never say or do anything to harm the interest of my country or countrymen. I have also had the privilege of participating in civic-oriented activities in Dubai, particularly in trying to help my fellow countrymen seek employment during the height of mass layoffs brought about by the ongoing global financial crisis, as well as those seeking employment for the first time. Making a mockery of any unfortunate incidents befalling any of my fellow Filipinos is simply contrary to my character. I condemn the person or persons behind these malicious acts to impute damage on my integrity and I hope that you can dig deep into your hearts and minds to truly find the truth in all these.
Truth or lie?

Jacque Bermejo's brother also released a statement saying "Kung sino ka man gumagamit ng pangalan ng ate ko, mahahannap ka din ng mga bermejo" (more)
People should know that "Identity theft is not something new in internet. Cyber crime goes wild!"
Ive been teamed with a 9 year PHP Programmer and he give me some sort of knowledge about this issue.
"Hi-Jack" is one of the most easiest term to describe this crappy thing. When people ask you to click something specifically a link., DON'T CLICK THE LINK STUPID S**T!
Its easy as 1,2,3. Click the link and they'll take you're account details..either the so called cookies or sessions. but excuse with the session variable since it quickly expire. Simultaneously while doing this act. As soon as you click the link the hi-jacking program executes and get all those details and replace each variable into the hijackers default values and then throw you into a landing page.. then you'll wonder.. what happened? why am i here? that's the end of the line for your account. Many time Hi-Jackers do this piece of shit to earn money. "If you want your account back, send us some!!!"
I'm not trying to defend Jacque Bermejo here.
She is still liable for whatever mess she's into. She's is becoming an apple of the eye on TWITTER and FACEBOOK..Geez. I'm wondering what's the feeling of becoming an icon on social media sites. and FACEBOOK FACTS HERE
PHOTO's came from this FB group and this JACQ BERMEJO's FAN CLUB
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