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Career or Job?

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I am writing this because i want to give ideas on people who are dealt on becoming one among us.

"The Fresh Grads" a.k.a "totoy","rookie","dayo"

Let's get the definition first between a career and a job

a definition was published by Dee Piziak
under his employment tips article posted on the web

A job is:

A regular activity performed in exchange for payment
A position in which one is currently employed.

A career is:
A chosen pursuit; a profession or occupation.
The general course or progression of one's working life or one's professional achievements over time

"A job is what you are doing for today. A career is what you have done on the past years and what you are planning to do in the coming next years."

We fresh grads should take this as a lesson. I learned it by accepting a job offer that i really regret of. Thank god i was terminated. A career is a commitment, where in you want or crave for it. I knew guys who resigned on their work because they don't feel it anymore. Jobs are everywhere but the question is are you willing to give your whole hearted effort on that job? a career is like love or getting married, commitment, long term achievement that you can boast to everybody that you fell in love into.

"prevention is better than cure"
How to prevent getting hooked up by false jobs?
by: jaysonbagio

1. Evaluate yourself. No one knows you better than yourself. Got to know your strengths and weaknesses.
2. Picture it out, its not that bad to dream as long as you can turn those dreams into reality.
3. Take out the pressure. "inch by inch" don't rush yourself in getting a job or starting a career, competition is way to tough to handle.
4. Commitment. Commit on improving yourself. Never rely on what's just in front of you. Take a deep breath and dive into new discoveries.
5. Resourcefulness. Be resourceful enough to get a sideline job. Join a Free lance Group to earn profits while waiting for the job you are looking for. It helps you gain experiences.
6. Love it. You wouldn't bite a job offer if you don't feel or like doing the job it self.
7. Don't be picky stupid punk! What would you do on a 18 to 20 thousand monthly salary if you're everyday living at the office is in hell.
8. Of course know you're rate. I think in job posting sites like jobsdb and jobstreet, they offer an analysis of how much offer you can get on a certain position in connection with the resume's and portfolio that you submitted to them.
9. Concentrate. Concentrate on a certain thing, if you like arts you wouldn't mind studying c# or go for the right tools, It's obvious Adobe products has taken over as far as design and media development is concern. I have a friend who has been in PHP for 10 plus years now, "damn", he has godlike skills in php.
10. Know your path. Research the stepping stones for a certain career. You will not be a project manager if you came from nowhere, except you were born with a golden spoon in your

These are just some of cool tips i can give you guys if you are just about to graduate and start looking for a career. Show your appreciation on my article by posting a comment or bookmarking the article.

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