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Korean - 2004
Romance - Melodrama
Cast :
Jung Woo-Sung as Choi Chol-Soo
Son Ye-Jin as Kim Soo-Jin
John H. Lee
"Certified Tear Jerker"
- I my self cried a lot. even my mom whose not even reading the english subtitle was crying.
A moment to remember is so astonishing. "Such a perfect masterpiece" Loaded melodrama is glossy, yet well-told and engaging to those watching it.
The story revolves on the most impossible predicament for a 27yr old woman could have- Alzeihmers Disease. Kim Soo-Jin (Son Ye-Jin) suffered on this disease after getting so much involved on a heartbreaking situation with her boss on a clothing design firm(her ex-boyfriend) followed by the way her family accepted all those compelling situations. Thanks that she met this man Choi Chol-Soo (Jung Woo-Sung ) a hard headed guy working for her father's construction site that gaved unselfish love to Soo-Jin.
I wont mention the way they met. Its one of the most coolest thing that the movie has.
Just see it. You'll cry like you never cried before. This movie really shows the definition of true love. Yesterday may fade but the most important thing is that when tomorrow comes, you're there for him/her.
My Favorite Scene was the time that Soo-Jin(the girl) called her husband Chol-Soo(the guy)in the name of her ex-boyfriend(boss).Damn. Chol-soo love Soo-Jin so much that he didnt get caught up on that heartbreaking situation, he faced Soo-jin and still he told that he love Soo-Jin. But when he went out the door. He cried. Cried a lot.
Watch this one-10 of 10!
See this Video so you can have a little glimpse of the movie it self!
"I just wished that there was an english sub"
start at 1:19=). The song is great enough!.lol
Thanks, adiar of youtube. Great Post!
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