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Genre: Drama and Romance
Im Soo Jung as Min-ah
Kim Rae won as Young-Jae
Lee-Mi sook as Misuk
Lee Eon-Hee
"Mother and Daughter's ties are for real"
"Love is for crazy people - who can stand in the middle of the road(even it's raining) just to make sure that his/her beloved crosses the road safely"
"White lies into jokes into tears. is all about"
...Ing is a nice movie. Very simple and yet touching for mom-daugther's relationship. It has a little touch of Romance but i appreciated the characters - Mina and Misuk more than what expected to be a heart touching drama for lovers.
Minah has just transferred to a local high school. She is quiet and really tends to separate her self among her colleagues. She spent most of her time on the hospital battling a life threatening disease.
She live with her mom Misuk - the name that she always call her mom. Not trying to be sassy to her mom but that's what they agreed. Watch the movie and probably you'll know why. Misuk always there for her daughter, with so much love and dreams for Minah inspite of Minah's disease.
Then there's Young-Jae a photographer who happened to move below Misuk's apartment. He is a bit old than Minah but love dictated everything.
..Ing is a nice movie. Nice but not that great for me. I just can't feel it. May be for girls' lol.. see this movie and sure you'll know why guys can't feel the movie at all. This is much like "herb" of Kang Jae-Hyong. A movie that marks the heart of passionate relationship between mother and daughter - so called family ties.
My Favorite Scene: I love the scene where Minah smokes on her window with headphones on her head. Love it!
Movie Rating: 7 of 10
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